Talk about being slow. I’ll blame it on a short and busy week - coming back late from our trip, lots of school meetings, working on the levy campaign, open house meetings with parents, and so on. They say an indicator of a successful blog is quick and current entries. I’m not looking to expand my readership.

So Nicki and I did a little traveling. Left last Friday heading to Little Valley, stopping there just long enough to store the kayaks in the garage and do a beef on wick lunch at the Congregational Church. Lots of talk among the ladies about which Memmott I was - the bets were on Ed, of course. You time lunch right you get lots of attention and they toss in extra sandwiches and pie for free. Then we continued eastward along the southern tier with the jog up toward Albany until we arrived at Laura’s round eleven. Had plenty of rain the last couple hours of the trip but avoided the flooded or missing sections of highway. Laura and kitten Zoe were ready for us with pastries. Only 665 miles in one day.

Saturday morning we did breakfast at iHop, drove to Stanford, and caught the train into New York City. From Grand Central we subwayed to the World Trade Center area where we met Martin. Walked around the recovery site, down to Battery Park, up to China Town, and to Little Italy for supper. Wandered a little more to a park with break dancers where we split with Martin and caught the subway back to Grand Central. Another train ride, while reading the Sunday NY Times, to Stanford and a drive back to West Hartford. A long day but nice. Sorry we didn’t contact Will and Jen and Susanna but time was tight and we focused on the kids.

Sunday morning was breakfast at
Mo’s Midtown of course. That was fuel for the road. A little work setting up a printer for Laura’s computer and playing with Zoe and then we were back on the road heading west. A beautiful fall day with lots of color going over the Hudson and through the Catskills and into the Alleghenies. Picked up rain just after nightfall and before arriving in Little Valley. Martha had an unbelievable supper ready for us - turkey breast, scalloped potatoes, with apple crisp for dessert. Weren’t expecting that - what a hostess!

Monday morning we met Ed for breakfast at
Dina’s. Back at Little Valley I made the call to set up installation for broadband - so the homestead will have highspeed internet. (Give me a little time to add the wireless router - and picture us serving coffee to the locals with their laptops on the porch). We reloaded the kayaks and headed for
Presque Isle near Erie. Beautiful park. Spent most of our time exploring a large lagoon area in the center of the peninsula. A few herons, lots of ducks, and one animal swimming just in front of us that we’re pretty sure was a beaver. Ended up in Misery Bay which was the temporary home of the fleet of ships commanded by Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry in the War of 1812. Not many people in the park. No other kayaks. No fisherman. Very quiet and scenic.

For the final leg of our trip we had supper on the east side of Cleveland and drove through a final bit of light rain as we returned to Oberlin. 1,500 miles total. A very nice trip. A compact but worthy vacation. And if you need your photo fix click on
Travel Photos. In that collection is a photo Martha took of a broken hinge on one of the dining room cabinet doors. We’re trying to find a match. Keep your eyes open.