Sunday, November 26, 2006
Travels Over the Holiday
A quick post to update everyone. Nicki and I left Thanksgiving morning in a thick fog which burned off after the first 20 miles. Then across Pennsylvania on Route 80 beginning with beautiful sunshine gradually changing to pelting windy rain as we neared Laura's in Connecticut. Arrived there mid-evening after averaging 63 MPH for the 590 miles. Laura had plenty of traditional turkey dinner food waiting for us (thanks to Mike's family gathering). Friday had a great pancake breakfast hosted by Laura, a long hike in a nature preserve (beautiful weather), early dinner at a former stagecoach stop, a meeting with Mike's dad, and a nice gathering with dessert with Mike's sister and her husband. Saturday it was breakfast at Moe's in Hartford and then to connect with Martin in the Bronx, a nice lunch with him, a walking tour near his current apartment and along the East River circling the school where he is working, a drive through the neighborhood to highlight the places he has lived - a very nice visit that was too short of course. And then we headed west rejoining Route 80 into the night, taking the historic Route 219 through Bradford and arriving in Little Valley by 11:00. Again quick traveling making good time. That evening and Sunday morning I did my chores - bled the radiators (didn't need it), set up the new cordless phone and answering machine, coded the new garage door openers, fixed the porch floorboards at the front steps (Ed and I consulted, he did the sawing, I did the hammering), placed the wreath in the cemetery. We also did the obligatory trip to Ellicottville - lunch at the brewery with Martha. Could not believe the warm weather - we should have brought the kayaks. Left Little Valley at 3:30 and were back in Oberlin by 6:30. A total of 1,400 miles and we got 26 MPG. Fast miles, good food, nice people everywhere. No photos yet - we did lots of shots on the nature preserve hike but haven't downloaded them. Almost finished Carl Hiaasen's new book Nature Girl - probably will get it done tonight (Nicki reads while I drive - really makes the driving more tolerable).
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
House Work
Continuing with the home improvements. The exterior of the house was painted. Happened in about 5 days stretched over 2 weeks. Siding was looking very aged before the job - looks refreshed now. Also had the hallway carpet taken out while we were having the bathroom floors redone. Two days of refinishing. At the end of the first day we put up a baby gate to keep the dogs from going upstairs. Came home after school to find Cricket sitting on the stairs looking very guilty. She had climbed the fence to regain her spot on our bed. Little dog paw prints on the floor. Buffed out the next day before the final coat was put on. Suspect we'll put a runner up the steps and in the hallway - but nothing like the shag that was there for 26 plus years.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Bathrooms (conclusion?)
We're getting ever so close! The final touches will be hardly noticeable. But the main thing is that both bathrooms are functional. I can take a shower and there is a door to close. And gradually we are moving tools back into place and out of the lowly bathroom we have been using for more than a month and a half. And yes, we'll get some photos on the walls - I know John's walls will feature our trip out West this past summer (which will match the thematic colors).
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Winged Impression

Saturday, September 09, 2006
Garage Sale

Friday, September 08, 2006
Bathrooms (cont.)
More than a month and maybe another week or two? Painting is done. Electricals and lights are installed. Mirrors mounted. All we're waiting on is the flooring, a shower door, and the trim and door on a closet. And, of course, the seating. Our contractor hasn't really spent a lot of time actually working.
Almost forgot to say - did we tell you we are having the exterior of our house painted probably next week? It will feel real good when all the house improvements are completed.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Bathrooms (cont.)
Counters and sinks are in (actually the sinks and counters are all one unit). The plumbing is almost complete. And when we (and it looks as if Nicki and I will be doing this job) get the painting done lights and trim can be finished. I see the light at the end of the tunnel...
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Morning Visitor
A hawk checked out our bird feeders during breakfast this morning. We're not sure but we suspect he/she was looking for mice or moles. Seemed to be very curious about the camera shutter sound. Anyone identify the type of hawk?
Friday, August 18, 2006
Bathrooms (cont.)
The work continues. Cabinets are in. The walls are ready for painting. Maybe one more week?
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Burning River
Saturday Nicki and I went to the Burning River Festival on Whiskey Island not very far from downtown Cleveland and on the shore of Lake Erie. There were a lot of environmentally friendly exhibits. But we spent the most time talking to an eagle from the Cleveland Natural History Museum. Since we were so close to Cleveland we did dinner at the Great Lakes Brewing Company - one of our favorites. Really nice afternoon and evening. Nice to get away.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Bathrooms (cont.)
Keeping everyone up-to-date on the bathroom construction. I've added a few photos showing what has been done over the past week. The good thing is that I'm getting into a good getting-up-for-school routine. That was okay last week as I was having my tech workshops starting at 8:00 AM. And this week I'll have an opportunity to get a little ahead with the school tech work as I'll be forced to rise and shine earlier than I would have voluntarily chosen. Even Nicki is starting to get weary of trips to Home Depot and Lowes - closed them both down last Thursday evening. They do stay open until 10:00 PM in case you need to know.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Yup, that's an eagle. One of several Nicki and I observed at the Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserv. For the fuller story go to Kayaking Across America or for the rest of the photos click on the eagle above.
Bathroom Renovation Progress
Work has begun on two of our bathrooms. I'm experimenting with a new photo service by Google (Picasa for Macs). Just click on the above photo to take you to an album of bathroom photos. The photo above shows Sam inspecting the work. She is looking at a hole in the floor where the linen closet once was. She can see the stairway going to the floor below. The photo is better in the album. I think the dogs are a bit perplexed by this whole process. It doesn't disturb their nap schedule but I don't think they see the sense in events.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Westward Trip Photos

The rigorous selection process is complete. To see the complete collection of 66 photos (only 3.3% of the total taken) go to and look for the appropriate links. Included are Mesa Verde National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, Four Corners, Best Friends Animal Society Sanctuary, Glen Canyon Dam, Antelope Canyon, Navajo Bridge, wild animals, domesticated humans, and other attractions. It's not Ohio.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Westward Trip

Monday, July 10, 2006
Storm Damage


Monday, June 26, 2006
Alum(whatever) Weekend

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Summer Schedule

Sunday, June 11, 2006
Starting Summer

Saturday, June 10, 2006
Breakfast Entertainment

Thursday, June 08, 2006
Last Day

Saturday, May 13, 2006
Let Mothers' Day Begin

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Heron and Egret

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
A Good Year for Dandelions?
Nicki and I may have started a new trend - ever striving to avoid chemicals on our lawn. Nicki dug dandelions up by the roots while I wandered the yard with my shop-vac sucking up the seed fluff. It works. Then I mowed. Now all I have to figure out is how to empty the shop-vac. No photos.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Norma & Hans' Flowering Trees

Saturday, April 29, 2006
Indians Game

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Spring Kayaking

Click on the title above for a few more pictures (and a different blog - how many blogs do you have?).
This has been an odd spring break. Normally we'd have gotten out of town but this year the combinations of jury duty, a major school technology project (fixing the high school media center lab) and Nicki working at the Conservatory kept us in town. We didn't even do any special dinners out. We did do two student concerts at the college. But we didn't do any traveling. We'll blame this on the cost of gas?
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Jury Duty
Yea! Jury duty is officially over. No more calls at 4:30 to see if I needed to report the next day. No more creating lesson plans with the hopes I wouldn't need them. And no more telling everyone I might not be able to attend the next day's important meeting. Over my three week period I was only required to report twice and both times my group was sent home without being seated for a case. $10.00 each day for my time. And now with that behind me we can start planning our vacation - of course there's only a weekend left of it.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Way too tired...

Saturday, April 08, 2006
Ed & Theresa

Ed and Theresa visited on their way back to Olean from Ann Arbor. Of course we had a nice brunch at the Black River Cafe and then exchanged photos in the front of our house.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
To LV and Back
Nicki and I did a quick visit to the Little Valley homested. Thanks to Martha everything was warm and comfy. Driveway was well plowed - bare with enough extra parking off to the left. We three did our required dinner in Ellicottville at the Barn. Got a table quickly, good food, good service, and a friendly family-oriented crowd. Lots of snow. It truly looked like winter. Then home for calls with all the other siblings.
Sunday we returned to Ellicottville for breakfast at Dina's. Again straight to a table and a very good breakfast. We did find out a secret - you can get a half-order of french toast so there is no excuse for getting stuffed. A little shopping, back to Little Valley, and then the return trip to Oberlin.
As to the wireless situation. Yes, we have a problem, but one that can be fixed. There are 2 pieces of equipment involved - Atlantic Broadband's cable modem and our wireless router. The wireless router is fine and will talk to the computer just as it is supposed to. But the cable modem has serious problems and will not establish a lasting connection to the internet which makes the wireless router's well-intentioned efforts fruitless. No amount of prodding and poking would revive the cable modem. I did talk to an Atlantic Broadband technician and a housecall was scheduled. Martha has agreed to make herself available and by this time next week we should have our access re-established. I suspect the technician will simply switch the faulty cable modem for a new one that works. I had brought 2 new and different wireless routers if it had turned out that our router was the cause. On the way back to Oberlin I returned the ones I brought for a full refund. No need to charge any expenses to the estate. I'll use the travel costs as a deduction on my taxes I suppose.
No photos this trip. Never had the opportunity. And no mention of the blurry window - no fog has appeared lately. And no, I didn't try the vaseline trick.
Sunday we returned to Ellicottville for breakfast at Dina's. Again straight to a table and a very good breakfast. We did find out a secret - you can get a half-order of french toast so there is no excuse for getting stuffed. A little shopping, back to Little Valley, and then the return trip to Oberlin.
As to the wireless situation. Yes, we have a problem, but one that can be fixed. There are 2 pieces of equipment involved - Atlantic Broadband's cable modem and our wireless router. The wireless router is fine and will talk to the computer just as it is supposed to. But the cable modem has serious problems and will not establish a lasting connection to the internet which makes the wireless router's well-intentioned efforts fruitless. No amount of prodding and poking would revive the cable modem. I did talk to an Atlantic Broadband technician and a housecall was scheduled. Martha has agreed to make herself available and by this time next week we should have our access re-established. I suspect the technician will simply switch the faulty cable modem for a new one that works. I had brought 2 new and different wireless routers if it had turned out that our router was the cause. On the way back to Oberlin I returned the ones I brought for a full refund. No need to charge any expenses to the estate. I'll use the travel costs as a deduction on my taxes I suppose.
No photos this trip. Never had the opportunity. And no mention of the blurry window - no fog has appeared lately. And no, I didn't try the vaseline trick.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
A Blurry Window (redux)
It could be the weather (clear and dry) or maybe it was just speaking out loud too soon - but our foggy window is back. So tomorrow we'll try the next suggestion - applying a layer of vaseline around the inside of the window frame. We were told by the inspector that this will seal the window and prevent moisture from getting between the panes. Why am I skeptical? At least nobody has mentioned tossing a couple silicon packets inside. I'd post a picture but it doesn't look much different from what you've seen below.
At my tech workshop today one of the participants told the story of how an electronic game once owned and cherished by her deceased mother every once in a while will play its jingly music - without being turned on and without batteries of course. I don't think our blurry window and her ghostly music are related. But maybe they are?
At my tech workshop today one of the participants told the story of how an electronic game once owned and cherished by her deceased mother every once in a while will play its jingly music - without being turned on and without batteries of course. I don't think our blurry window and her ghostly music are related. But maybe they are?
Monday, February 20, 2006
A Blurry Window (resolution?)
We had our scheduled visit from the window company. Didn't take him long to recognize and correct the problem. There are these little yellow tabs inside the window frame that have the word "DISCARD" stamped on them. The original installer should have removed these tabs and actually discarded them. And then the frame would properly seal when it shuts. And moisture wouldn't get between the window panes. I would have noticed the labels when I painted the window if the word hadn't been stamped INSIDE the tab where you couldn't see it. We're hoping this was the problem. There has been a little slight streaking of moisture since the inspection but we think that is related to the particular cleaning solution we've used since the installation. The window has been much clearer.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Two Children

Ursula Celebrates Her 95th Birthday
There was a "quiet" celebration at Kendal for Ursula's 95th birthday. We had a normal supper in the cafeteria with her that evening. Hans and Norma joined us. Afterward we wheeled her to the lounge area where she discovered a string quartet with piano (quintet I suppose) led by Father Brian who was playing Ursula's violin. And we had a cake and refreshments set up and Kendal had servers to help. There had been some advertisments posted where Ursula wouldn't notice so a healthy-sized crowd collected. The music and treats were enjoyed by all. But we may have happily tired her out.

Monday, January 23, 2006
A Blurry Window (cont.)
Need to do a quick update. Nicki tells me she actually talked to a live person at the unnamed window company (after 5 tries). And they agreed to an appointment to view the window.
I do need to point out that the fog is between the window panes. It isn't there all the time but seems to appear dependent on atmospheric conditions - like beautiful days when it would be nice to watch a sunset from the comfort of our cozy living room.
I do need to point out that the fog is between the window panes. It isn't there all the time but seems to appear dependent on atmospheric conditions - like beautiful days when it would be nice to watch a sunset from the comfort of our cozy living room.
A Blurry Window
This isn’t a real entry to my blog - this text and the companion photos are hopefully temporary. The pictures are only here to “share” with the company that said they were going to make an appointment to examine our potentially defective blurry front window. Maybe the next time we talk to the company they can check this blog to see exactly what we are talking about. Just click on the little photo to see a bigger version.

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