Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Westward Trip Photos

The rigorous selection process is complete. To see the complete collection of 66 photos (only 3.3% of the total taken) go to johnmemmott.com and look for the appropriate links. Included are Mesa Verde National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, Four Corners, Best Friends Animal Society Sanctuary, Glen Canyon Dam, Antelope Canyon, Navajo Bridge, wild animals, domesticated humans, and other attractions. It's not Ohio.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Westward Trip

So many photos - so little time. Nicki and I packed four cameras (we only really used three of them) and took almost 2,000 photos - more than one per mile on the driving part of our trip through Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. We did some culling on the airplane ride home and have the total down to just over 900. We'll do an even more rigorous selection process and post the finalists on johnmemmott.com soon - watch for the announcement. We've already decided that for the next trip we need to take the video camera and mount it on the dashboard.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Storm Damage

Today we had a very quick wind and thunderstorm that brought down a branch on one of our backyard trees - narrowly missing our power and internet lines and dogyard fence. Horizontal rain and some small hail. Here’s the pile of branches - hopefully the city will pick them up quickly. A house just down the street had their power line pulled down and we lost electricity for a while. Our elder dog is getting very sensitive to storms and we could tell something was coming during the night - six hours ahead of the actual storm.


Our "lazy" summer schedule always begins with watching the wildlife eat breakfast while we eat breakfast. Our birdfeeders attract a variety of animals - lots of birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits of course. We suspect a different variey of smelly animals comes out at night but so far this year we haven't actually encountered any - the dogs have reported intruders but we haven't seen them.

And there is the kayaking which brings us close to a wilder variety. But that's a different story and once gain you should check Kayaking Across America. We haven't been out as much as we'd like due to housecleaning and organizing, school tech work, and variable weather.