Nicki and I grabbed the good weather and nothing scheduled after work as an opportunity to do a little weekday evening kayaking. And given that it was a weekday we decided to stay close and head for our familiar Findley Lake. And again it didn't disappoint.

First we were greeted at the park by 4 young deer. We've always expected to see deer at this park but haven't. Then as soon as we were in the water I headed for a tall grassy area just across the lake from the dock and found two 2-3 foot carp sunning themselves in the shallow water. Get real close to them and they explode across the surface to get away. Impressive. Turned around to find a couple turtles catching the last few rays of the late sun. From there we did our usual chasing ducks and sneaking up on herons. Nicki prefers to watch them from a slight distance while I like to see how close I can get with my camera. Tonight they seemed easily spooked but that may have been from so few people being in the park or they were just visiting (migrating) birds and not accustomed to kayaks floating up on them.

Just after the sun set and on our way back toward the dock we watched an osprey hunting - flying in circles 50-60 feet above the lake and then diving feet first for fish - big spash - and then repeat the hunt. Nothing like sitting in the middle of the lake watching the nature show. And just before docking I found two more carp to sneak up on with the same explosive results. This time they almost slapped the side of the boat on their way to deeper water.
The first photo is from tonight of the turtles. I'd like to have some shots of the carp but you don't really see them until you are right on top of them and they do their exploding thing. Got a lot of heron photos but there's enough of them already posted here. And the osprey was doing its thing at a distance when the light was too flat and I'd already packed the camera away. The second photo was actually taken by Nicki on our Cuyahoga River trip last Sunday. We didn't download her camera until tonight and I liked the shot.
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