Had our first opportunity to do the touch-screen voting. It was different but the process went smoothly. The only disconcerting part was when part of an issue would start on one screen and finish on another. Some precincts had machines that broke down or the paper back-up jammed. But I only waited 5 minutes and it was overall less worrisome than our usual punchcards. The voting results were slow to be reported. Turns out the board of elections always counts the absentee ballots first and then deals with the regular voting - and there was some problem with the absentee processing. And with the reporting pace it was hard to grasp a trend. I did a lot of reloading of the board of elections website while the levy campaign committee snacked and chit-chatted. But we got the same results at the same time as the radio stations and the TV. I gave up and went home to catch the final results. And now we start thinking about the technology levy that will need to be renewed this time next year. It never ends.
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