We started Christmas day lazily - up at the crack of 10:30. No little kids to pressure us and the dogs enjoy a long quiet morning. We did open gifts and everything was greatly appreciated. The rest of Christmas Day was full of food. Started with a large breakfast of fried mush and sausage - think we’ll make that a tradition. From there Nicki prepared a mid-afternoon roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes, squash, peas, etc. Martin brought Gretchen and her two children. (Ed - we pulled out our old castle with the little people and Bobby, the 4-year old, focused on it). With barely a break (or opportunity to loosen the belt), Laura and I collected Ursula at 4:30 and transported her to Norma and Han’s where Nicki joined us for another dinner - ham, chicken, shrimp, etc. Such a variety and abundance of food. Ursula enjoyed the company and food.

After that celebration Nicki and I took Ursula home. Just after we got there I discovered that the TV in the lounge down the hall was showing a concert of Renee Fleming with Christoph Eschenbach conducting. Ursula was quite pleased to see her “godson” performing and proclaimed such several times. While she watched I setup the new radio we all got for her - hopefully she won’t notice the change and will accept the gift. Tomorrow’s goal will be to teach her how to enjoy the music.
Back home all was quiet as Laura went out to visit friends and Martin was off with Gretchen. Nicki and I talked with Sarah and then lazily reviewed the day and digested.
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