Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines Day & Snow

Click on the photo above to see more shots.

Ah winter! I measured an average of 12 inches on the ground but the wind has made some impressive drifts and roof overhangs. Spent a good share of the afternoon snow-blowing and shoveling ours and Norma's drives - even after we had a nice neighbor plow out the heavier snow at the bottom section of Norma's drive. Traveling is supposed to be bad everywhere so maybe it was a good thing that I did the trip from Columbus instead of waiting until today. As you can see the dogs are enjoying the snow. And we had a hawk grab a bird from our feeders - all that was left was a pile of feathers. School tomorrow? I'm sure. We've used four snow days so far and have only one left before we need to make up what we use over the allotment. Even Oberlin College closed so Nicki and I enjoyed Valentines Day together.

1 comment:

into my 60s said...

John, Really enjoyed the pictures. I didn't make it out of the neighborhood today and schools are closed tomorrow, but we didn't have the amount of snow that you did. Ours was inches of ice pellets. Heavy stuff.

Check my blog for Cullen's new blog URL. The old one is no longer working.