Saturday, May 26, 2007

Some Grand Pianos to start the weekend

Nicki and I started our weekend with the Oberlin College Conservatory of Music's Grand Piano Extravaganza featuring the piano faculty and some of the 2007 graduating class. A very interesting and impressive concert. 1 piano piece played entirely with only the left hand, 8 pianos (all Steinways of course) played by 8 pianists - later by 16 pianists, 6 rushing and running pianists playing 3 pianos, and 1 piano played with 6 hands. Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Copland, Chopin, Bernstein, and Rossini. Players in costume, toddler ballerinas, grand Steinways, mini Steinway, and rigged gameshows between pieces. And given we had free tickets it was a good way to spend the evening.

Oberlin College has their annual alumni events as well as graduation ceremonies this weekend. Laura is home. And if the weather holds it should be a nice weekend.

1 comment:

into my 60s said...

pretty fancy blog! I'm very impressed by the slideshow.