Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Osprey at Quaker Lake 6/24/07

Nicki and I spent a Sunday afternoon at Quaker Lake in New York State's Allegany State Park. Nice that you can launch from near the spillway without needing to enter the park and pay the entrance fee. There were several kayaks on the lake. We had just about decided that there wasn't much wildlife on the lake and were heading back to the launch when we came upon a pair of osprey perched on a tall old dead tree. They were reasonably cooperative and allowed a bunch of photos before moving on down the shore to a new perch. We may have even seen a flying eagle from a distance. And on the drive back to Little Valley we noticed an osprey nest on the edge of the park. For better versions of the photos go to my Picasa site and use the slideshow button.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Osprey and Ealges are both common where you were kayaking! Glad that you were able to see them and take such awesome shots!