Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dog Tracks in Snow

Well the snow kept coming last night and now we have a total of about a foot. No school again. Got a 6:00 AM call form the Superintendent requesting several event cancelation notices to go on the district website.

Part of my morning was taking the snow blower out to clear the drives - just like yesterday. Nicki had to go into work. Oberlin College's motto when it comes to weather and all else: "Fearless". She took her camera and got shots around the Conservatory while I contained myself at home.

I'd call last night's debate a draw. A little testy at times which was expected. And they both sounded like Democrats which helps. Didn't change my vote.

1 comment:

into my 60s said...

Great snow shots! Glad you had time to update while you were off.

No snow down here. We even have some daffodils pushing through...