Monday, December 21, 2009


As part of my duties as a Bill Long Foundation board member I am serving as a part-time "engineer" during the display of trains at the Oberlin Public Library. This continues a tradition started by the manager (Bill Long) of the Oberlin Co-op Bookstore many years ago. Every 3 or 4 years the board sets up the train display and then runs them for a period. More information and archived photos showing the set-up of this year's display and the trains in past years can be found on their site's Trains page. Clicking on the above photos will take you to my entire collection of larger versions of the train photos (more than a hundred so far). I also serve as the website's webmaster (no surprise there).

1 comment:

into my 60s said...

Those photos are fantastic. I was hoping you'd get to wear a hat! You do a great job with the miniature problem, and with getting people's reactions.