Sunday, February 21, 2010

Collegium Musicum

Nicki participated in the Oberlin College Collegium Musicum 20th Anniversary Reunion this weekend. She was one of about 100 choir members - mostly alumni from the past 20 years mixed with current members of Collegium and guests. The program can be downloaded here. Rehearsals were Friday evening, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon, with the concert Saturday evening.  My job was to take photos during the Saturday rehearsal. Most of the rehearsal photos were taken at Fairchild chapel where the Collegium usually performs their concerts. The last few photos are from Warner Concert Hall - a bigger hall was needed to accommodate the size of the choir and the audience. Excellent music - mostly from the 1500’s. Nicki wants me to explain that she sang in Collegium when she was in college and was invited to sing in Collegium in the 80's as an alum. This reunion was mostly to honor Steven Plank who has directed Collegium for the last 20 years.