Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Michigan Trip - North Coast of Ohio

Nicki and I took a trip to Lansing to spend the weekend with Bob & Barb. Good weather for a change so it made good traveling. We spent most of Saturday at the Quiet Water Symposium held on the Michigan State University campus - a celebration of paddling in Michigan. Lots of canoes and kayaks and information about parks and waterways in that state. Big event - lots of people attending. Sunday we did a leisurely trip back to Oberlin along the coastline of Lake Erie. First saw several groupings of trumpeter swans in the middle of cornfields - mostly in pairs. Explored Magee Marsh which is a protected wetlands and a great spot to observe migratory birds (though it is early in the seasons so we only saw geese and ducks). Just after leaving that spot and just before the Davis-Besse nuclear power station we discovered two eagles perched in a tree near the road. All of the photos were taken by my "little" camera so the quality is a little less than I'd prefer.

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