Saturday, March 08, 2008

A Little Too Much Snow

It started snowing early Friday afternoon and after school I shoveled the driveway. Today (Saturday) I've snowblowed twice (after doing some maintenance work on its sparkplug and muffler) and it is still snowing. A good old-fashioned snowstorm - a blizzard. In between snowblowings I went out for gas and house stuff. Glad I have all-wheel drive and snow tires. Still had to dodge the college kids walking in the unplowed streets.

Of course, Nicki just left to go to a student's piano recital at the Con. I warned her about the adverse conditions. Now I'm waiting for her phone call so I can tell her I told her so. (PS - She made it there and back but reports conditions as awful)

1 comment:

Manager Mom said...

Hi Uncle John!

I like your pictures a lot.... although I am emotionally over the snow...

Hope you and Aunt Nikki are well!

Jennifer Lambert (Will's wife)